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How Flashcards Succeed: Solutions on Using Anki for Serious Study

An epic list of Anki solutions for the problems that plague the serious flashcard user. (Or, the long-awaited followup to How Flashcards Fail: Confessions of a Tired Memory Guy.)

Jungian Personality Types and How You Remember

What if I have trouble remembering details because that’s my personality? Major insight … or major copout?

Do Flashcards Work for Languages?

Flashcards are powerful, but if you’re not careful, they can hijack your memory work. A reader asks: should we still use flashcards for learning a language? I answer: Yes, but only sometimes, and carefully.

Spanish by Christmas: Learn the IPA for English and Spanish with Anki Flashcard Decks

I’m learning Spanish by Christmas, and the first step is learning the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). First for English, then for Spanish. The best way to learn the IPA? Anki decks.

Learn Languages Like an Opera Singer, With Anki (And More)

Opera singer Gabriel Wyner offers a new, four-part method for learning languages amazingly fast. One of those parts is flashcard review with Anki – but only one.

How Flashcards Fail: Confessions of a Tired Memory Guy

You can use flashcards and spaced repetition to memorize almost anything – so why did I come to hate my reviews? Explore the dark side of this amazing memory system.