Rewrite Your Past with a Memory Palace: Quick Start

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Take the 2017 Advent “Rewrite Your Past” Memory Palace Challenge! Create a simple memory palace, and add one favorite memory from your ACTUAL LIFE each day.

By Christmas, you'll have a new memory palace stocked with the best of your past. And feeling great about your past is critical to an amazing present and future...


  • You can start any time. Now, in fact. 1f642
  • If you haven't already, read the quick intro on why this memory palace will be a huge boost to your happiness.
  • Make sure you know how to make a "memory palace" using the "loci method".
  • Choose the real-world place you'll use as your memory palace. I'm going to use my current home. I suggest starting with your front room, and working your way logically around your home. BONUS: Odd nooks and crannies around my house will start to trigger good memories and feelings.
  • Every day, you'll add one new memory to the next "spot" in your palace.
  • Join our Facebook group to get memory prompts, updates, tweaks, and support to stay on track. And/or join the mailing list (it's the free video course below).
  • Decide what time of day you'll add this new memory. Like "right when I get up" or "after I brush my teeth at night". Hook it to an existing habit.
  • For extra points: post this habit hook to the Facebook group. Great way to get started, and you might inspire someone.

That's all you need to get started. Stay tuned, this is going to be awesome.